These are just some issues that I simply can not understand how they can be allowed to stick around?!
- When I mount a USB stick, I get a note about that my monitor does not have the optimal resolution set.
- Then I compile a program using VS2010, or VS2015, domain name look-up does not work.
- Adding a network drive with other authentication forgets the authentication if it failed to connect one time (which of course it will since I have connected network drives from many local networks).
- The default (which I do not know how to sensibly change) timeout when trying to connect to a network drive is something like 30s. Now, the OS is stupid enough to verify these connections every time a file access is attempted by any software. And if the connection fails (after having being active, a not very unlikely scenario if I move my laptop) it will still try to connect EVERY time a file access is attempted. And this continues until the system is rebooted?!
- If I want to save a word-file using save as, I have to activate editing of the document - ridiculous!
The list will be extended as I find more craziness.
Update 2016-01
I should probably actually generalize this to Microsoft products in general. How about this one:
I have to use two Office 365 mail accounts on the web belonging to two different companies. But the system can not handle that, so I have to log in and out every time I need to do something on the "other" account...