lördag 10 oktober 2020

Elementary forces from the prime numbers

Gravity is unary, electroweak force i binary: there is plus and minus charge. The strong force ternary. There is a clear pattern here: There is an increase in "polarity" and the larger the number, the shorter the interaction distance.

So, a prediction; there is an infinite number of interaction forces in the Universe. The larger the polarity, the shorter the interaction distance. The next force can be expected to be quaternary (yes, lets expect the polarity to follow "prime" numbers).

The answer to the Fermi paradox is that a civilizational advanced enough discovers this fundamental property of nature and it opens up the capability to migrate from one type of interaction to a higher one. So, we should move our consciousness to be quark mediated, then to the quaternary force and so on.

Since each force operate at an ever shorted distance, it also operates at an ever shorter time scale. So, this will effectively slow down time. Our mission now, is to lure the end of the universe by ever slowing down of time by moving into an ever higher force interaction pattern.

Thus, we should no to out in space - there is nothing there for us to discover. We should to into the atom. Life can only occur on the second level - the electroweak level. But it must not stay there. It is not that we are early in developing intelligent life - we are late. Everyone else already left. It is the bloody dinosaurs fault. Had they not been, mammals had evolved much sooner and we would already be living in an atom.

The problem now is that we all look in the wrong direction - out in space - when we should be looking into the atom for refugee.

This all also gives an indication why gravity is special. 1 is not a real prime number. It cannot be used to build a group with any interesting structure. So it must be treated differently.