torsdag 7 mars 2024

On information, causality and their physical theories

Random thoughts on these things.

Quantum mechanics is a theory about information.

Information is something complex (the wave function)
Squaring a unit of information gives something causal. Actually squaring the wave function does not happen within quantum mechanics. It is an external process somehow.
Information (wave function) has infinite propagation speed.
Causality propagate with the speed of light.

A thought about the dotcom crash

I just realized that the market was not wrong about the technology in the IT hype in the 90s. The market was wrong about the consumers and their behavior. Maybe this is not new to others, but I just realized it.

The technology had all the potential that the market thought it had. It was just that the consumers were not ready to consume it. And a little bit a lack on the hardware side where e.g. phones were not smart phones.