onsdag 19 november 2008

Product Review, Bluetooth headset, Sony DR-BT50

Some 6 month ago I purchased a bluetooth headset. Here I would like to write now about my impression of them. There is a lot of talk on the net about the sound quality in bluetooth headsets and how the BT unit is what you pay for, not sound quality. This might be so for true sound freaks, but for me this is not the crucial point. I'm completely happy with the sound quality and I'm quite sure there are other factors that affect this more (pod, sound format, surrounding environment etc...). So my list of pros and cons:


  • Very comfortable
  • Excellent sound
  • Great battery time


  • Too short buffering time of the music. If the headphones looses connection there is a glitch in the music.
  • The microphone is way to sensitive. It is not possible to use the headphones for talking anywhere but in the home with no other sound playing. In particular on the bus or in the car you can simply forget about using them. The person you'r speaking to will go mad.
  • The two hoops holding the two speaker units (one for each ear) should have been made in aluminium as parts of the main hoop is. I managed to break on of these fairy fast. Now I reinforced them with my own aluminium hoops, but of course it would have been nicer not to have to do that.

Free will

I had an interesting discussion with a friend of mine the other day. The question we started to discuss was weather free will exists or not. Of course, this question has bother me, as probably most anyone, before. But I think we managed to get to some interesting conclusions this time.

First it is important to try to classify free will. Free will is not a deterministic process. It means that a system possessing free will is not possible to describe with mathematics, so it is not possible to tell how the system will respond to a given input.

Next it is important to note that free will is not a random process, as suggested by some. Free will is neither of these two. Therefore it is so hard to classify, because we only know about these two types of processes.

So, out conclusion now. Free will is a process where it can not be determined how it will respond to a given input by any external derivation (as for deterministic processes) or external statistics (as for random processes). But it can be foreseen (or determined) by the process it self! So the system possessing free will can it self determine how it will respond to a given input, while still no other process can make that deduction.

Now this ides I think is in no way new. I believe this is what Douglas R. Hofstadter tries to claim in Gödel, Escher, Bach. I would like to make a prediction, or definition or what ever it should be called, with a more formal claim about a system possessing free will: A system possessing free will is a system that can (however that is done) solve the halting problem for it self.

torsdag 14 augusti 2008


Denna lilla dikten skrev jag efter diverse upplevelser av SJ och Västtrafik. Jag skickade den till GPs fria ord, men dom ville inte ha den, så då får den hamna här istället.

Tågtrafikantens natt är hård
skärmar glittra och glimma,
resenärer ute på var gård
sitta på sj.se i midnattstimma
Solen vandrar sin tysta ban
snart syns varken fur eller gran.
Lampor tänds under taken
endast resenären är ännu vaken

Striden är hård om den sista biljetten,
budet stiger för var timma.
Man vågar inte ens gå på toaletten,
utanför skiner solens första strimma.
Kl. 9 tåget ska ankomma stationen
då äntligen är det slut på aktionen,
och jag kan påbörja min resa idag
efter SJs senaste genidrag.

När jag fått min biljett följde en chock
- ytterligare en ny devis:
Jag måste stå från Malmö till Jokkmokk
att sitta ingår inte i normalpris.
Detta presenteras när man valt sin biljett,
lite mera för resan tas då ganska lätt
av resenären som av sömnlöshet är slut
och nu äntligen vill komma ut.

Västtrafik lämnar också nya besked
förändringens vind nu vina.
Om man där vill åka med
får man vara beredd på mera pina.
Sms-biljett ska visst vara lätt,
men det kostar allt en rejäl skvätt
att betala som vanligt med kort och kontant
det är inget för lokaltrafikant.

Ej heller går det fort minsann
om man jämför på 3.5 kilometer.
Mot Västtrafik Robert med 4-2 vann,
i "först till jobbet" som det heter
Robert fick gå och Västtrafik köra,
jag är verkligen ledsen att störa
men om man i tävling som denna figurera,
ska man tydligen välja att spatsera.

Så slutar vår dikt om tåg av idag.
Man frågar försiktigt om det i rikets lag
står skrivet, att det faktiskt är så,
vi vill jobba mot mindre CO2?

måndag 12 maj 2008

Messing with SVN

I have started using SVN to track some of my packages. It's really
nice, I can definetely recomend it. However, as a newbee it's easy to
screw things up, and I did. My directory that I'm tracking is a source
directory to a project I'm working on where I use GNU autotools to
handle the compilation and such. This is all really nice, but a lite
tricky. Anyway, when a stated I used autoscan to create the stuff I
need. What I didn't discover was that autoscan actually didn't create
the required files INSTALL and COPYING, but rather linked to these files
which were stored somewhere in /usr/share. I wanted the files to be in
the code directory so I, stupid stupid me, did
The made svn freak out with (to me) unexplainable errors like
svn: 'COPYING' is in the way of the resource actually under version control
svn: Commit failed (details follow):
svn: Entry '/home/ravn/Work/eig/INSTALL' has unexpectedly changed special status

To solve this: remove the files with svn:
svn rm COPYING --force
--force have to be used since there is something wrong. After removing, commit:
svn commit -m "FINALLY"
When this is done, the files can be added again, this time with svn:
COPYING; svn add INSTALL COPYING; svn commit -m "Yes!"

That's it folks, easy as that ;-)