söndag 14 juni 2015

About the structure of the transcend

Assume the human race has become what it is using evolution. Then that process should have optimized us as beings for the scenarios we encounter in our everyday lives. If we can conceive other processes, one can be inclined to believe that it is only a lucky coincidence that the structure of those processes is similar enough for us to grasp.

Thus, if we can assume that there is something that has a structure that has no resemblance what so ever with our reality. This will constitute the transcend and we will have no way to describe or understand that structure.

However, for this to have no resemblance with our reality, there can be no point of contact with our reality either. If there is, this point will have to have structure that is "compatible" with the reality we know of. And hence can be described.

With this kind of reasoning, if there is such a thing as the transcend, it is of no interest for us, since it does not interact with our reality at all.

This reasoning does not rule out that there are things in our reality that we can not understand, but it tell that if there is structure of the kind described above, it is of no interest for us. Hence, arguing that an entity such as god belongs to the transcend is only to argue that god is of no interest to us. Further, if it is claimed that god interact, or has done so in the past, with our reality, the god structure falls within the category of reality above.

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