måndag 23 januari 2017

We are surounded by a world we do not understand

There is for sure nothing controversial with the statement in the title. When we are born we basically do not understand anything, then we learn some things. We go to school and learn some more. However, somewhere here it starts to differentiate. As adults we know and understand different things. And this is important and is gong to be more pronounced in the future. This is due to specialisation.
However, more and more of the specialised understanding is understanding of man made systems/phenomena/... And these man made phenomena can be exploited more and easier then the physical world it self (e.g. via bugs or particular features).
Take a thing like bitcoin, and all the applications behind the blockchain. We will be surrounded by them. But only a few will understand how they work. This is of course the case already with different IT systems and other things. But the new thing, and for the future, these will be more and more abundant. And more and more of our core reality will be based on it.
This, in turn, will generate a new (or a more pronounced) class system dividing those who know and can and those cannot.

About the American election

Since the winning of Trump,  there has been extensive analysis from everywhere what went wrong.
However, this is really missing the whole point. They are discussing the result, which tipped over to Trumps favor by pure chance. Seriously. The margins are so tight that it was really random. Now why is that? It is not related to white working class, Clintons lack of message or whatever. There is something else. A process that forces the results to equilibrate around that 50% mark.
What this is, I cannot with certainty say, but it is much bigger than the ideas presented so far.

söndag 15 januari 2017

The future of virtual reality

I just tries VR glasses for my SGS6 and I am hooked. So with this post I want to share my vision about the future of VR.

1. Multi camera mobile phones. The next generation mobile phones will come with two (or more) cameras to be able to do proper stereoscopic augmented reality. There might even be cameras to enhance vision, e.g. by sensor for other wavelengths, other dynamic range, and so on.

2. One or two generations further away there will be displays where it will be possible to control radiation angle of the different pixels of the screen.  This will provide the last piece for a complete visual experience: depth of field.

3. Screen resolution will one way or another increase some factor 10 or so. This is really required to provide the right visual experience.

4. Around 2 generations away the applications will explode. Games is really not the main thing. Conferencing (all participants in the same augmented room), replacing a monitor (complete privacy, enormous screens (virtual ones that is), education, ... everything really!

So, the phones will adapt to the VR requirements and some time in the future will they merge and we finaly get to Google glas, but much better. Sort of what hapend for the Apple Newton and smart phones.

söndag 8 januari 2017

The first Indiana Jones

I was just watching the first Indiana Jones movie. It is from 1981. Then I realised it is interesting in how many ways this movies could never have been made today. It is xenofobic, even racist with the supreior white male. But it is also mystifying something nobody in todays global society will find exciting. Today it is all about aliens and super heros. Some old idian tribe does not excite us any more.

This is the societal change we have gone through in 35 years. Remarkable.