måndag 23 januari 2017

We are surounded by a world we do not understand

There is for sure nothing controversial with the statement in the title. When we are born we basically do not understand anything, then we learn some things. We go to school and learn some more. However, somewhere here it starts to differentiate. As adults we know and understand different things. And this is important and is gong to be more pronounced in the future. This is due to specialisation.
However, more and more of the specialised understanding is understanding of man made systems/phenomena/... And these man made phenomena can be exploited more and easier then the physical world it self (e.g. via bugs or particular features).
Take a thing like bitcoin, and all the applications behind the blockchain. We will be surrounded by them. But only a few will understand how they work. This is of course the case already with different IT systems and other things. But the new thing, and for the future, these will be more and more abundant. And more and more of our core reality will be based on it.
This, in turn, will generate a new (or a more pronounced) class system dividing those who know and can and those cannot.

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