tisdag 2 maj 2017

Towards a theory of consciousness

It is widely debated what consciousness is. Most of the time it boils down to an idea that consciousness is in some sense atomic. It is a singular property that pops out or exists or was created by some deity.
I would like to propose a different view to attack the problem. The idea is simply to not treat it as atomic, but rather as how physics or chemistry or some other scientific matter is done. Treat it as something that will require models and where it can be acceptable that different models partially contradict each other but explain and treat different parts of a complex "ding an sich".

By that I am also saying that consciousness is not an atomic thing. But rather a complex intertwined phenomena that has be treated and explained in parts. This thought springs from the fact that it seems very hard to define what consciousness is - it is not something deterministic, but is is also not something random. However, these are the only to types of variable we know of. Maybe it is possible to define some third type of variable - a "conscious" variable, but it seem very unlikely to me. Rather, we should treat consciousness as a matter requiring its separate theory.

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