lördag 23 september 2017

On net neutrality

Net neutrality is of course important. And it is simply outrageous that some try to ban it. Imagine a country doing the same to roads. Som car brands could have deals with the road owners that only they can drive. Or that thy'll get a fast-lane for only them. Or that you could buy a special ticket to a fast-lane. or have a subscription on a car that can drive in the lane without any ques. Or that you get to drive faster if you accept looking as certain ads while driving.

Just a comparison.

We'r like the old days servants...

In books like Tjänstekvinnans son you can read how servants could roam around in the large upper class houses back in the days. Knowing everything. Hearing everything. They could walk around everywhere since the masters of the house took no notice of them. They just were there.
Now this is one of the benefits of being a curling parent of today: I can stand in the kitchen eating cookies. The kids run around my legs and don't even notice it. That simply believe I am there to clean something up. So I can eat those cookies right in their face.
Finally a benefit.

söndag 3 september 2017

Why does not humans have any grown weapons?

Most animals have bodily parts that are made for fight. Teath, claws, fangs, paws, poison etc etc. But we humans have none. We suck at fighting with our bare body parts.
Why is this? My proposition is that this is no coincidence. It is rather the direct result of an evolutionary path. A stable path that can be driven forward by evolution. The thing is that we are smart. Much smarter than any other animals. And the reason we are, is that we cannot fight so we have to be smart. That is our evolutionary trait. That is what makes us unique. That is our niche.

I think one can think of this as stable co-evolutionary directions. It is really the case that everything is co-evolution. Evolution happens against a static background or surrounding. But co-evolution happens when several species evolve together and the evolution of one species is affected by the state and evolution of another (this is just my complete novice term. I have no idea if the biologists have another proper term for this). And in that surrounding, an evolution path is what a particular species will follow. It is stable if there is only one change that can survive. It will bifrucate if there are several and it will die if there is none. One can thus only speak of stability locally since it might change down the road depending on how interacting spieces evolve.

fredag 1 september 2017

On connected buildings and reduced heating and ventilation costs

There is lots going on when in comes to connecting large building using sensors to control heating and ventilation depending on building usage. This is probably great, we might reduce const and energy consumption allot.

But I would like to raise one concern that I have not seen discussed, and that will come back and bite us if not handled: How will current building standards withstand the increased demands on the building it self when there will be larger temperature and moist fluctuations as a consequence of tuning heating and ventilation parameters? This is probably something that someone needs to clear before we go too far with this work.