söndag 3 september 2017

Why does not humans have any grown weapons?

Most animals have bodily parts that are made for fight. Teath, claws, fangs, paws, poison etc etc. But we humans have none. We suck at fighting with our bare body parts.
Why is this? My proposition is that this is no coincidence. It is rather the direct result of an evolutionary path. A stable path that can be driven forward by evolution. The thing is that we are smart. Much smarter than any other animals. And the reason we are, is that we cannot fight so we have to be smart. That is our evolutionary trait. That is what makes us unique. That is our niche.

I think one can think of this as stable co-evolutionary directions. It is really the case that everything is co-evolution. Evolution happens against a static background or surrounding. But co-evolution happens when several species evolve together and the evolution of one species is affected by the state and evolution of another (this is just my complete novice term. I have no idea if the biologists have another proper term for this). And in that surrounding, an evolution path is what a particular species will follow. It is stable if there is only one change that can survive. It will bifrucate if there are several and it will die if there is none. One can thus only speak of stability locally since it might change down the road depending on how interacting spieces evolve.

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