söndag 6 januari 2019

We will not create true AI without understanding it

Everyone Is talking about AI. How fantastic it will be or how dystopic it will be. How we will create a super intelligence without understanding it. How it might pose a threat or how we will transfer our consciousness to some non-biological hardware.

At the same time a picture is drawn that this might happened with us humans in the back seat. Without us understanding it happen, or the consequences.

This is all ridiculous. Is there a single technical achievement in history that has just happened? The closest is perhaps the discovery of penicillin.

But in general every progress is preceded by careful analysis and hard work. Often by a large group of humans. We will not wake up one day and AI is just here, ruling the world. We will have to understand self-awareness, free will and consciousness long before we will be able to create it. There is no doubt about it. Anyone saying anything else is a believer of magic and fantasy.

And as for consciousness, self-awareness and free will, we haven't got the slightest idea what these things are. There are some fuzzy sociological ideas, mirror-experiments on chimps and the notion that we have to have free will because we have no other choice (not to mention the out-right ridiculous arguments put forward by religious proponents about God giving us free will and other nonsense crap). But these are all non-constructive. Useless. We will not be able to create true AI before we understand it. What people perceive as AI today is simply complex algorithms running on very fast computation hardware. Hence it is just Moore's law still in operation. Nothing else.

I am not saying that Moore's law won't be the thing that actually gives us AI, that it is just emergence. That might well be; but we will understand it before we create it.

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