lördag 26 september 2020

Did you do your best today?

I, and most people I know are extremely privileged. We live in history's most prosperous time and in the most wealthy part of the world in that time.
So, what are our obligations given this? I would say: Did you do your very best today?
I'm not gonna pretent that I don't have any opinion on what that means. One can argue, as is very common in western, post-existansialism society, that it is up to me to define and that we are domed to freedom. That might well be. But I think our extreme wealth come with a price. We have to be prepared to contribute to making this a better place. The number of people suffering is still today enormous. So, did you do your best today to remedy that?
This does not mean that you don't have any right to your life. But we share resources here. Was your share today proportional? Will it be tomorrow?
One should also not try to discard this line of reasoning with "well what did you do then". It is not easy to judge what is the best. If I give away all my money to charity today, it will have some very good conveniences in that absolute near-term. But it is not at all clear that it is the best thing to do in the long term. But surely, keeping all of them is also not optimal.
So, did you do your best today balancing this?

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