torsdag 19 augusti 2021

A new publishing paradigm

Anyone that has been working with science has thought about the publishing process and the pitfalls that goes with it. So, I will not list those here. Instead I would like to propose an alternative to traditional publishing.
The main idea is very simple: instead of publishing individual articles, we should copy the modern software development process more or less straight-off. Someone, or several, maintains a "publication". This is simply a git (or some other vcs) repository containing something resembling a book. Any scientist that has something to contribute to the book can send in a traditional pull request to complement the publication.
There will be so many advantages with this: less writing for each published unit, more consistency, an updated modern and efficient peer review process, open access, simple referencing (by making versioned releases or referencing a commit hash).

fredag 13 augusti 2021

The Humanity Future Society

There is allot of talk about us dealing with global warming. However, that is just one of soo many issues with our current way of life. We are depleting many many key resources that we need for a high-technology society. We are killing specis after specis of key life on our planet. And we are building up a lifestyle that does not go on par with being a human.

Someone needs to start thinking about how to sustain humanity, not for 10 or 100 years, but rather how do we sustain it for thousands!?

So, I suggest founding the future of humanity society. Where we address the question of how to create a truly milenial sustainable human society.