tisdag 15 mars 2022

What democracies and authoritarian learned from the Ukraine war

Russia's war against Ukraine is shameful and hideous. That is obvious to anyone not 100% under RTs hypnosis. But there is one fact that has not been discussed at much as the moral low-level mark by Russia: democracies are not weak. Not only are the governments strong, but the peoples in democracies are as well. The Ukrainian people has shown everyone that. This should make every authoritarian leader in the world tremble. It is clear that a country that has tasted freedom is not willing to go back. A people that is ready to be free does not allow them selves to be enslaved again. The Russian invasion in Ukraine has shown that with a clarity that likely scares the dictators around the world. Free people are willing to fight and die for the cause. This is like a fairy tale in all the horror. A free people is not only free. It is strong and it will defend that freedom. The same thing would happen if Russia invades Lithuania or if China invades Taiwan. The truth that rules the free world cannot be beaten by illusory made-up fantasy worlds as created by dictators.

So, most probably, dictators around the world will think more than twice before invading a free country again.

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