tisdag 18 juli 2023

On reality as a simulation

In aa recent popular discussion Donald Hoffman has gotten allot of attention for his argument that reality is an interface to a simulation. I am quite bothered by this whole debacle and the attention Hoffman is getting for his claims. The reason is that this is of course trivially correct and noting new in the sense that we do not experience anything but our experience of reality. This is just a modern framing of Kant's Ding an Sich (something we do way too often - think that modern technology has something deeper to tell us about reality. That is of course also false.).

These ideas are quite compatible with panspychism (which I am a fan of) in which everything has an experience. It is just that primitive objects have primitive experiences. Trees experience a property of reality where energy in the form of light has a directionality and thus the trees grow in certain directions towards that energy.

However, coming back to Hoffman, he is introducing the terms user interface and simulation which are a wrong use of the terms. A user interface is something designed and it is the same with simulation. It is something designed to mimic something else. However, there is nothing in Hoffmans argumentation, that I have seen, that imply that reality should be a simulation in this sense. That is, he has no good argument for the existence of God. And as far as I understand, this is also not what he is trying to argue for. But the terms user interface and simulation should not be used to describe Kant's ideas about the experience of reality.

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