onsdag 25 mars 2020

Where are the responsible banks?

The world is buckling from the weight of the Corona virus and value creating producing companies are starting to lose ground. Governments are releasing astronomical stimulus packages. But there is one group that is very silent. The banks and the investment firms. How and when will they contribute to tackling the crisis? Why are there no banks that have gone out and made easings on their loans to companies that cannot produce. If the world stands still, why should not also the banks and investment firms take a pause. Imagine how many SMEs could be saved and how much money we as tax-payers (it is not like these crisis packages comes from nowhere, it is tax-payers that will have to pay that back eventually) could save if the banks would say "ok, in this exceptional situation we will also do our part and pause payment requirements".
Instead what they do is get enormous amounts of money from government to loan to companies in crisis. Companies that will be back in business when this is over. Companies that were successful and profitable just before the crisis. So, it is virtually risk-free, completely cost free, money that the banks can use to increase their profits further.
Banks, take your responsibility!

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