lördag 14 december 2019
Ironin i Torys förhållande till Brexit
lördag 16 november 2019
Men världen själv, varat omkring oss och inom oss, är aldrig ensidig, därom måste man tiga
Därför behöver vi modeller. Dessa är vad vi kan prata om. Dessa är vad vi kan veta något om. Dessa är vad som kan vara användbart. Resten måste vi tiga om.
Seeing reality as it is is still a possibility. In fact, that is what we do. More or less
Thus, in a proof by contradiction, there cannot be any supernatural entity.
Seriously California, you are not making you best effort!
I recently had the opportunity to visit Silicon Valley. The stay was a pleasure, interesting meetings and great weather. But I must say I got quite upset. It was my first visit there, and it was very clear - California: you are not making your best effort here. I am of course talking about climate. Some examples:
- San Jose is, I don't know how, large. 4-5 lane roads, enormous parking lots and virtually no public transportation. Only 1-store buildings. This is not a building culture that is sustainable.
- On every single trash can I could find, it was printed "land fill". What the heck California? This is something we stopped doing in Sweden 40-50 years ago.
- In my hotel the cleaning lady changed my toilet roll even though it was at least 1/3 of the paper left. Enough to last several days for me! Just because it looks good. I am sure they throw that roll.
I think California should feel ashamed. You have been the most lucky, yes lucky, in the world and you are not prepared to give anything back. That's BS. Shame on you!
torsdag 12 september 2019
Regeringens symbolism
Här kan man se att både Stefan och Isabella väljer att bära sina partisymboler på slaget. Är inte detta underligt för en regering? Borde det inte vara svenska flaggan om någon de ska bära? Vilken är deras främsta prioritet egentligen? Sverige eller partiet?
tisdag 20 augusti 2019
What's it like to be a human
There are of course many ideas about this. So here is one at least I have not heard of before.
The unique thing with being human is that we can form models. The rest of us is really just ordinary animals. But the capability to form and reason in models makes us unique and exceptional.
Why? Well, the idea is that models are extremely powerful tools for comprehending the world and creating things. All achievements we have accomplished during the last 2000 years have been through models actually.
Further, to perform any task that is a bit more complex, it require that there is a model in its basis.
Some things we can do that do not require a model basis is
- creating art
- playing chess
These would seem to be unique human capabilities. But I would argue they are a side effect of our large brain. In principle a monkey could do it. However, a monkey could never build a rocket. Why? Because that require massive use of models to get everything right. And they can't do that.
lördag 20 april 2019
The fear of AI is completely misleading
Say that is turns out artificial super intelligence is the outcome of the processes we see now. Say that such ASI outperform humans in most tasks. Why is it then a bad thing that they supersede us? If they are the next step in evolution, is it not a good thing that it materializes?
Very many of the arguments against ASI are really grounded in fear. But fear is not a good basis for making decisions.
About AGI
So creating a general intelligence like a human will forcibly reduce some other capabilities, e.g. in playing chess.
Integrated functional co-evolution
But the hands and arms have a completely unique feature - they are very generic. We can do many things with them. This would not be a very useful feature for a cat since they are fairly dump, and would thus not know how to use these generic tools. So, to be useful, they also have to go with a very large brain. Just as it happens, humans do have large brains. This is not a coincidence. Our brains have evolved together with our generic arms and hands. As we became smarter, new advanced things could be made with our hands, and then it would be beneficial to have more generic and even better hands and arms. E.g. with finer resolution.
This kind of integrated functional co-evolution is a different kind of evolution compared to how spices evolve in relation to it's surrounding. It is also different compared to ordinary co-evolution where different organisms co-evolve so e.g. be more and more specialized.
It would be interesting to hear if anyone can tell if this is well know process, or something novel. It would also be nice to test this in some kind to computer simulation.
fredag 1 mars 2019
Naturvetarföraktet måste stävjas
Tittade på SVTs Bäst i test med sonen ikväll. Dom hade med en uppgift där deltagarna skulle lista ut koden till ett lås. Svaret var 314 och på flera ställen var ledtråden π. Det är såklart kul och nästan rätt, bara fel på tusendelarna och framåt i decimalutvecklingen.
Men sedan tog kreativiteten fart och en ledtråd var
exp(i)*x +1= 0
Det är såklart kanonkul att SVT vill ha med en så berömt ekvation i ett populärt TV-program. Men det blir inte roligt när den är skriven som ovan, dvs fel. Detta fostrar en kultur kring naturvetenskap som obegripligt och mystiskt som inte är ok.
SVT och andra offentliga opinionsbildare har ett ansvar, Sveriges ingenjörer, naturvetare och matematiker är instrumentala i att skapa det välstånd vi lever i. Vi förtjänar att tas på större allvar och fler bör inspireras att utbilda sig inom dessa ämnen. Då kan man inte driva med det på detta sättet.
Tyvärr är det inte första gången SVT gör på detta sättet. I programmet På spåret, där frågorna typiskt är så omöjliga att ingen mer än en journalist kan besvara dom, är det igen helt ok att så fort det kommer en fråga med minsta naturvetenskaplig koppling vara helt Rudis.
SVT ryck upp dej. Vi som byggt landets välstånd förtjänas att tas på större allvar.
torsdag 14 februari 2019
Carl Schlyter borde inte startat ett nytt parti utan...
torsdag 7 februari 2019
Peter Englund för ett mycket underligt resonemang
Läste om Reformisterna inom Socialdemokraterna som bl.a vill ta fram ett system där Riksbanken ska kunna tillhandahålla tjänster som idag tillhandahålls av kommersiella banker.
Professor Peter Englund kritiserar förslaget och säger att det ibland uppstår förtroendeposter för kommersiella banker och det i säkert sådant läge riskerar slå ut dessa om det finns ett statligt alternativ.
Detta resonemang är ganska absurt som kritik av förslaget. Om de kommersiella bankerna sätter sig i sådana förtroendekriser att privata sparare inte längre vill ha kvar sitt kapital hos dem så kan det väl inte lösningen vara att begränsa medborgares frihet och tvinga dem ha kvar sina pengar där för att bankerna ska överleva. Det blir fullständigt befängt. Det är väl snarare i så fall ett argument för att de kommersiella bankerna fått alldeles för stort svängrum under alldeles för lång tid.
Det är tråkigt när akademiker låter ideologi gå före logik. Det urholkar förtroendet för de ekonomiska vetenskaperna. Tänk om Peter Englund.
tisdag 22 januari 2019
On free will
On consciousness (again)
These ideas also explain in a natural why we as humans cannot grasp how a chair or even a worm can be conscious. The problem is that the kind of interaction these entities takes part of is so vastly different from ours.
In this sense, consciousness is an illusion. It is a local phenomenon in an hierarchical structure of more and more complex interactions. And a consciousness operating as a certain level and with certain complex interactions cannot grasp, or even experience, a consciousness at a vastly different consciousness level.
It is the self-experience of the interactions occurring in a particular physical structure. We as humans can experience cars and chairs. Complex objects and we interact with these. (This is also probably why small children and illiterates attribute consciousness to objects that are not conscious at our level - it is the only thing we understand)
Later in the show Sam and David got into the thoughts on simulated worlds and that perhaps we live in one. This is also in some sense obvious true as I have also discussed before. We have some experience. That is mediated through our senses. But the world in it self (in Kantian terms) is something we can have no real idea about. Thus we do live in a simulation. It is impossible to say something outside of our experience of the world about the world.